News & Firm Updates
Bona Law Enters Antitrust Lawsuit Against City of Richmond, Virginia for Monopolizing Non-Emergency Ambulance Market
Ninth Circuit Holds that Allegations that NutriSearch Secretly Rigged its Ratings to Favor Usana are Sufficient to Satisfy Commercial Speech Element of Lanham Act Claim for False Advertising
Bona Law Attorneys File Eighth Circuit Amicus Brief Supporting Privacy for Small Businesses
Federal Court Rejects Johns Manville’s Summary Judgment Motion on Market Definition Issues Against Bona Law Client, Thermal Pipe Shields
Bona Law Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Scope of State Action Immunity from Antitrust
Bona Law Files Antitrust Complaint on Behalf of Lucasys Seeking to Restore Competition in Utility Management Software Industry
Aaron Gott to Speak as Panelist for ABA Antitrust Section Program on FTC v. Qualcomm
Bona Law represents law and economics scholars in federal appellate court
Aaron Gott Argues to Ninth Circuit: State Action Immunity Inapplicable in Ambulance Antitrust Cases Against California Cities
Bona Law Seeks Court Relief Against California Agency that Unlawfully Interfered with a Veteran-Owned Business’s Competitively Awarded Contract with VA Medical Center
Bona Law Files Amicus Brief on behalf of Leading Law and Economics Scholars in Ninth Circuit supporting Qualcomm in FTC v. Qualcomm Inc.
Aaron Gott Speaks at American Bar Association Program on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Antitrust Decision in NC Dental v. FTC